Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Reoccuring Nightmare

A whisper of smoke
vision unclear
and her feet unsteady
frantic in fear
she is scraping her fingernails on the ground
clawing to catch her footing
grasping for some kind of hope
*knock knock knock*
the door swings open
"please, sir ..help me!!
The stranger welcomes me in hurredly and shuts the door
I Pick up the phone and dial frantically....
my heart is pounding, a shadow passes by the window
I freeze in fear, and am unable to breathe
the pounding of my heart is all I can hear.
before I manage to make out a word..
The shadow knocks..and the stranger answers...
"NO!! Stranger..don't!!!"
With no time to respond the door is open..
and in a flash the shadow pulls the trigger
and blood begins pouring out of the strangers head
phone drops to the floor
and I jump out the back door
back on the chase.
The god damn chase.
It never fucking ends
someone always dies, someone is brutally shot,
I am always running, hiding, begging for help.
Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone?
I need to figure out who you are to conquer you
Im so weary of running in my dreams
Im so ready to have security.
i need to quit running from my fears.
Fuck you shadow.
Fuck you fear.

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