Monday, August 20, 2007

Things that Make me who I am....

*Cool breezes
*Popcorn Jelly Belly's
*Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
*Laughing for what happened yesterday
*Dancing like a fool
*Soft Chenille throws
*Being compared to someone way more beautiful
*Cuddling by campfires
*Taking walks to clear my mind
*Basking under the sunshine
*Dangling my feet in the water
*Lap Kitties
*Car Dancing
*Daydreaming about the future
*Reminiscing with friends
*Living out my dreams
*Believing in the positive
*Giggling over old pictures
*Close My Eyes, by Mariah Carey
*Psalm 91
*Taking showers together
*Crazy Concerts
*Drinking Wine with the girls
*Wife beaters, and the perfect jeans
*Smells Like Teen Spirit on repeat, while lying on the floor
*Hanging out in my underwear
*Walking in the rain
*Holding hands during sex
*Getting Chills from a kiss across my neck
*Soulmate friends
*Sugarfree Redbulls and Starbucks Coffee
*Linton walks to the local coffee shop
*Porn Style Sex
*...and LOTS of it
*Releasing all inhibitions
*Feeling comfortable naked
*losing those last 10 pounds
*Girls Nights Out
*Pina Colada's at Cheeseburger n Paradise
*Feeling pampered
*Hot sweaty workouts
*Push Up bras
*Reading Gossip Mags over coffee
*Naughty Texts
*Getting the front parking spot
*Flirtatious Smiles
*Being carded, and told I look younger than I am
*Palm Trees and the ocean
*Jetski Rides
*Canoing in the fall
*Kettle Corn
*Pit tickets
*Flowers for no reason
*Riding on a 4wheeler at "the farm"
*Walks before I go to bed
*Catching his eye from across a crowded room
*Loving my curves
*Chocolate Covered Bananas and Whip Cream
*Playing Dress up as an adult
*MSN chat during work hours
*Fall Scents
*Sparkles, glitters and shimmers
*Finding the perfect shoes/dress/purse...on clearance
*Changing hair color
*Feeling understood
*Veggie sushi at Japanee
*Being told you were the reason someone else could take "the giant step"
*Feeling Fulfilled at a young age
*Finding the humor in a situation
*Being proud of myself, when no one else is

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Love Letter

Dear Love,

I have a letter written on my heart
and you added a line
You told me you loved me
Forever you were mine

Remember, my dear
to be faithful and sweet
For as long as you ARE
Yours, will I be.



Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fortress, that I am

Others find refuge in me
I am strong
I do not fall
I have no room to crack under pressure
For if I crack, who will be there to hold me up?

We who are fortresses, do not feel
We are not weakened with emotions
We are not weathered by storms
We are rigid, and unmovable
We stand



Head above water, gasping for air
Please throw me a lifeline
a positive word
a happy memory
don't let me drown

My security, my safety
My family.
I needed more from you
But you could not bear it.
You said too much
More opinion, less fact.

I was swimming
I was gasping for air
Praying that you would be.
Just be capable.
Help me handle this storm
But....I sank

How could you despise?
How could say those things?
You tore out my safety net
My love, my family
when you spoke those horrible "truths".
I slipped further under

My family
I needed you
Just to lend an ear
Not to be one of them
Bitter, resentful
Always taking a seat in the judges chair
I needed a refuge
Instead of my refuge, my let me drown