Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change? I hope so.

So, this morning I wasn't happy. I wouldn't have been either way in this election. But I did draw the positives out of the situation, that in all reality is not good. I am not speaking of the presidential candidates, as much as I am about the current state of our country.

Obama has made a lot of promises. They all do. I hope the media covers him just as heavily as they cover any other candidate, in all aspects. I find it interesting that when a Democrat is voted in, we never hear of the negative, only the positive. Anything else is masked, its all about painting a pretty picture.

The media has no issue showing its disrespect to the previous presidents they have opposed, so now it is their turn to put up with the criticism that is sure to come from those that are not happy with this election results. Don't bitch about it, its Freedom of speech, deal with it.

While I am neither Republican nor Democrat, I do have defined beliefs. I believe in balance. I believe in voting for the person I feel will do the best job as our leader. With that said, I believe Obama genuinely cares and wants to create a movement of change. But I worry. I don't agree with his plan to have tax breaks for those who make less than 200k and heavily tax those that make more. How will giving the lower/middle class a tax break, and heavily taxing everyone else help? We have ALL been affected by this financial crisis. Taxing businesses heavily will cause more job loss. Employers cannot afford to employ when the money isn't their to pay their employees. I fully expect the economy to suffer greatly. As for the war, Obama has zero experience. I don't put my faith in people because they are a great orator, I have faith in people that understand the situation and have had experience in it.

But I respect Obama, and his passion for change. Change, we need. I am certain that it will take longer than four years while in office, but I hope that he, along with Biden, are able to setup and prepare for the next President to continue down this rocky road. Perhaps over time we will see progress. That is what I hope for. Congratulations to our new President, today history is made.
