Monday, August 20, 2007

Things that Make me who I am....

*Cool breezes
*Popcorn Jelly Belly's
*Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans
*Laughing for what happened yesterday
*Dancing like a fool
*Soft Chenille throws
*Being compared to someone way more beautiful
*Cuddling by campfires
*Taking walks to clear my mind
*Basking under the sunshine
*Dangling my feet in the water
*Lap Kitties
*Car Dancing
*Daydreaming about the future
*Reminiscing with friends
*Living out my dreams
*Believing in the positive
*Giggling over old pictures
*Close My Eyes, by Mariah Carey
*Psalm 91
*Taking showers together
*Crazy Concerts
*Drinking Wine with the girls
*Wife beaters, and the perfect jeans
*Smells Like Teen Spirit on repeat, while lying on the floor
*Hanging out in my underwear
*Walking in the rain
*Holding hands during sex
*Getting Chills from a kiss across my neck
*Soulmate friends
*Sugarfree Redbulls and Starbucks Coffee
*Linton walks to the local coffee shop
*Porn Style Sex
*...and LOTS of it
*Releasing all inhibitions
*Feeling comfortable naked
*losing those last 10 pounds
*Girls Nights Out
*Pina Colada's at Cheeseburger n Paradise
*Feeling pampered
*Hot sweaty workouts
*Push Up bras
*Reading Gossip Mags over coffee
*Naughty Texts
*Getting the front parking spot
*Flirtatious Smiles
*Being carded, and told I look younger than I am
*Palm Trees and the ocean
*Jetski Rides
*Canoing in the fall
*Kettle Corn
*Pit tickets
*Flowers for no reason
*Riding on a 4wheeler at "the farm"
*Walks before I go to bed
*Catching his eye from across a crowded room
*Loving my curves
*Chocolate Covered Bananas and Whip Cream
*Playing Dress up as an adult
*MSN chat during work hours
*Fall Scents
*Sparkles, glitters and shimmers
*Finding the perfect shoes/dress/purse...on clearance
*Changing hair color
*Feeling understood
*Veggie sushi at Japanee
*Being told you were the reason someone else could take "the giant step"
*Feeling Fulfilled at a young age
*Finding the humor in a situation
*Being proud of myself, when no one else is

1 comment:

Linasolopoesie said...

Chisà how many beautiful things you have written!!! me dispiace not to be able to read it because I do not know the language but I love tantissimo the reading. I am Italian and I call Angela. I know a P2o only English. If you come to visit mine blog and you write in English I will know to me tradurlo. You come from the!!! I waited for to you Hello!!!!! Thanks