Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Choose Joy

I wish people understood the power of their actions/words/and attitudes. Why can't people choose to be happy more often? Choose Joy over sadness? We all have bad days. We all have seasons of sorrow. But when your entire life is spent in misery, no one is to blame but yourself.

I like to surround myself with people like me. Just as sadness/depression/anger can all be contagious, so can positivity/happiness/smiles. There is a high point and a low point of each day. I am learning to focus on the high point. I refuse to thrive on the low points, or the parts of my life that are out of my control. I thrive on the successes/goals/relationships etc. These bring me through each day.

Just because you stubbed your toe, lost your wallet, and hate your job, doesn't mean that your life is horrible and over. You had a bad day, it was your low point. It may be your low point for awhile. Recognize your highs. How do you think 'happy' people stay happy? Because their life is perfect???? NO, because they choose joy. They are choosing to make each day the best that they can. They don't wake up in the morning, sucking energy from the people around them with their over dramatic frowns and depressional stories. They don't live in a world of defeat and self pity. They don't live each day waiting for a better one. They love and appreciate life and the people in it. They put their best foot forward when they wake up in the morning. They understand that the key to success/joy/life is to live and appreciate it, and to not sweat the small stuff. They love life. Period.

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